The Cow-kind, Calf-friendly micro-dairy.
You can taste the kindness
Welcome to the pioneering , Calf at Foot Dairy school®️
How to produce milkwith compassion, making the world a better place for dairy cows
founded by Fiona Provan
The Calf at Foot Dairy™️ methods were pioneered by Fiona Provan through her belief that dairy cows should keep their calves until their natural weaning age - putting welfare before profit, because health, happiness and the ethical treatment of animals should always come first. Despite many claims to the contrary this is entirely possible!
The good news is that Some years after Fiona started selling milk & making a name for herself other dairies started to use her high-welfare methods, but only to a point as only few reach the high standards required to use the protected name Calf at Foot Dairy™️ two of these dairies are The Rare Dairy in Shropshire & Blundeston House Farm in Suffolk
The other dairies are 'Calf Suckling Dairies' but don't adhere to any standards or methods
When you drink milk from A Calf at Foot Dairy™️ cows, you are not drinking milk from a depressed, grieving animal who has had her baby taken away. My mission is to make the world a better place for dairy cows.
Below is a quote from a ' recovering vegan ' who came to stay . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . " If dairies had glass walls everyone would buy milk from a Calf At Foot Dairy™️ as they insist on the highest and most compassionate welfare standards ".
The CAFD Method / Gold-Top-Standard
Purchase access to these pioneering methods via the shop
or email: [email protected]
Fiona is now available to give a talk at your event & for visits to your farm or smallholding to help you whether you just want advice for house-cow and calf welfare or to take that big step further with practical help, support, full on consultancy with follow up mentoring to get you into micro-dairying and getting your milk to market.
email me: [email protected]
We are currently between farms so not selling milk atm, however, regarding milk enquires- going forward Fiona will focus primarily on mentoring other small businesses in her CAFD methods and continuing her campaign for higher welfare standards for dairy cows. If a new team of Dairy Angels presents itself milk sales may resume under guidance,
Until then you may contact me and I will recommend suitable dairies to serve you, please go to the
disclaimer: Cow-Calf Dairies do not necessarily follow the Calf at Foot Dairy's strict welfare methods & may not be
fully compliant with the Calf at Foot Dairying®️ Gold-top standards If you would like to certify your dairy as a CAFD or find out if a dairy is compliant to our standards you may
email Fiona at [email protected]
WhatsApp/text 07787 103 508
"Producing proper milk, but with compassion"
Don't ask me why our milk is expensive the question is to ask why is other milk cheap and that goes for any food!
- Fiona Provan (tenant farmer/founder CAFD )
But don't just take our word for it check out the endless list of 5 Star customer reviews below
If you have any queries please go to our Contact page.
Please don't ring me after 8pm unless it's urgent.
WhatsApp is good 07787103508
Although our cows are currently certified by Demeter as organic, we do not allow any certifying body to dictate to us what to do with our cows because we feel that we know our cows better than any box ticking beaurocrat and if we felt a cow needed treatment of any kind but it would put our certification in jeopordy we would chose the cows health welfare and happiness over a piece of paper' because we don't feel these certifying bodies always do our own high standards or methods justice as we are well ahead of them/the curve when it comes to welfare for dairy cows and calves. Hence we do not feel the need to tick any more boxes than we already have to. To be fair our customers are our certifying body, our customers know us well enough to trust us and just to reassure you.............. Our beautiful Jersey cows are fed a natural diet and that no soya, or GMOs'. No routine use of antibiotics, wormers' or chemicals on our farm. Most of our cows are Purely Pasture Fed and of course we don't use chemical fertilizer or sprays where our cows graze.
........Our beautiful Jersey milking cows are fed a natural pasture fed diet sometimes the more highly bred Jerseys need help while feeding a hungry calf and they will be fed some organic oats this is why we are crossing these girls with native breeds so they don't give too much of themselves and can do well on just pasture alone, lowering inputs/pressure on the planet.
· No routine use of antibiotics, wormers' or chemicals on our cows or on our farm. and of course we do not use chemical fertilizers or sprays where our cows graze. Our cows are not treated as disposables or commodities.
I set up The CAFD in 2012 to make the world a better place for dairy cows and can now proudly say our micro-dairy triggered a 'Cruelty Free Dairy Revolution' with other dairies all over the UK and even the globe copying our methods 👍👍👍(and sometimes our name without my express permission👎). If you would like to register your high welfare dairy as a CAFD then I'd be delighted to come and visit your farm.
I do not believe the cow is here to produce milk for us humans, no I think it's for her calf but, I do believe if there was a 'holy grail' of nutritional, health giving foods then raw milk from traditional purely pasture fed cows is just about as close as your going to get.
And don't forget, properly grazed cows on farms practicing holistic management can save the planet. Don't believe the burping, farting methane conspiracy of the mega corps blaming the cow, making her a scapegoat for climate change - the blame for that sits squarely on the shoulders of factory farming and The 'industry' and of course fossil fuels.
“It’s not the cow, it's the how” Bring back the cow. Value soil not oil,